Style Guides

Style Guides are an invaluable help for linguists. They contain useful information for translators to render the target content with a language and voice that adheres to the Tableau's requirements. They are language-specific.

It is important that you are familiar with the style guide before you start working on Tableau content. You don't need to know it by heart, but it's good to know what kind of information is in it and keep it open when working on tasks to refer to it in case of any uncertainty. 

We review and update the Style Guides regularly, and we are also very open to getting suggestions from our linguists about what could be added into Style Guide, so feel free to contact us, if you think of anything that could help improve the style guide.

You can access Tableau Style Guides below. They are also saved on FTP: 🗃️/Tableau/FromJTE/_References_/Style_Guide/01_Latest_version

Brazilian Portuguese

Tableau Software_Brazilian Portuguese Localization Style Guide_v5.docx

British English

Tableau Software_British English Localisation Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Dutch Localization Style Guide_v1.docx

French (Canada)

Tableau Software_French Canadian Localization Style Guide_v2.docx


Tableau Software_French Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_German Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Italian_Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Japanese Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Korean Localization Style Guide_v5.docx

Simplified Chinese

Tableau Software_Simplified Chinese Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Spanish Localization Style Guide_v5.docx


Tableau Software_Swedish Localization Style Guide_v2.docx


Tableau Software_Thai Localization Style Guide_v2.docx

Traditional Chinese

Tableau Software_Traditional Chinese Localization Style Guide_v5.docx