CLT Tips and Tricks

Copying issues (Clone queries)

When you have to enter an issue/query similar to the query you already submitted (for example same project/subproject etc...) you can use the "Clone" button on the right side of your screen.

You will be presented with a new issue with almost all dropdown fields already filled for you. Be careful to read through all of them and edit them as necessary before submitting the new query.

A. When to clone the queries?

Please clone the query just in these cases:

The original query is related to language specific change request of other language and is also requested for your language. In this case do not add your recommendation into the comment of existing bug, but create clone and enter it as an additional bug.

o   Example of incorrect record: 🔗109525 – record is originally related to French (France), but requested also for French (Canada). Simple addition of “The issue was also found in fr-CA” is prone to overlook of the issue in other language.

o   Example of incorrect record: 🔗109165record is originally related to Korean, but requested also for Portuguese (Brazil). This is not a global change, but recommendation for wording, so the bug can’t be applied to “Similar problem in pt-BR.”

Do not use clone if:

There are sequences of screenshots that are captured in the same dialog window – please do not create duplicate bugs reporting the same thing, but rather file only one global issue.

o   Example: 🔗109208 & 🔗109207 – both bugs should not be recorded in Bugnet, but marked as SKIPPED in Bug Report.

Searching for Issues/Queries using the filter feature

For Further customized Filtering features, use the Filters Tab.
Click Add filter, and select the fields/ criteria you want to apply. Click Perform Filter to run the query now or Save Filter to reuse query at later stage.

💡 Tip: The best way to find an issue is to select criteria “any text fields”, operator CONTAINS, and to enter the term or part of string you are searching for.

English content coming from data files

The easiest way to identify whether something should or should not be translated on the screenshots is to refer to the screenshots from other languages.

For Latin languages, it is recommended referring to the Korean screenshots. Korean is a language handled by one of our long-term and most trusted partner and thus its content should be in a very good condition.

In addition, it is visually quite convenient to notice what is left in English and what is localized into Korean.

Then, anything that is localized into Korean, but left in English on your screenshots, it should be reported as untranslated text.

Everything that is left in English in the Korean screenshots is most likely a data source or a user input which should not be reported as a bug.

Testing-known issues (examples)

These are examples of bugs which shouldn’t be reported as they are included in the Testing-known issues document:

🔗107417, 🔗107418, 🔗107419, 🔗107420, 🔗107421

“By design” bugs (examples)

These are examples of bugs which are “by design” so please do not to report them:

🔗107386, 🔗107395, 🔗107396